Monday, October 29, 2012

What Is Science?

Science surrounds us every day. It has to do with the process our bodies go through when we eat and grow. It has to do with the weather and the changing of seasons that we experience here in Utah. It is truly everywhere around us. As we start to learn more about science and what exactly it is, I want to you write what you learn in your journals. Add something new that you've learned about science every day. But for right now, I want you to just write a post about what science is to you. It's ok if it's not a perfectly correct answer. I just want your thoughts so that we can start brainstorming things that make science what it is. Make sure to comment with your name so that I know every student has commented. Make sure to also take time to think about your answer  before you post it and put in everything you can about your definition of what science is.

Have fun and good luck with your brainstorming!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Celebrating Special Occasions

Everyone celebrates different occasions in their life. These occasions range from birthdays to holidays to major milestones in a person's life. In addition to all the different occasions, there are many different ways that people can celebrate the same occasion.

So we want to hear all about the special occasions that you and your family celebrate and how you celebrate them. Pick your favorite occasion and post a description of this occasion. We want to hear as much detail as you can include about this occasion.

We will be talking about each post in class so we can get to know all our classmates better. We will also be using these posts throughout the year so we can celebrate different occasions in our classroom, so as much detail as you can give will help us to better understand!

We can't wait to get to know you all better!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Plant Diagrams

Upload the plant diagrams that you have created in your comment box on this blog post with a short description of the medium you used and why you chose that medium. Remember to have fun with this part of the assignment, and don't forget to include all the plant parts that you learned about on the field trip with Ms. Frizzle's class.

Answers for Plant Parts Diagram

Post your answers from the diagram of the plant. Make sure you number your answers so I know that you have labeled each part correctly.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Reflection for Project 1

1. Support for Student Learning

          The Kindergarten Mathematics core standard number 2 states that students will sort and classify objects as well as recognize and create simple patterns. I chose to base my lesson on objective 1 under this standard which says that students will identify, sort and classify objects according to common attributes. There are two areas under this objective: sort objects into groups by attribute and identify which attribute was used; and describe multiple ways to sort and classify a group of objects. The websites that the students visit during the activities help them practice and refine their skills in sorting objects based on different classifications. The questions that the students are asked after these activities, especially the creation of their own sort, allow me as the teacher to make sure that the students have achieved this objective, or what I might need to spend more time explaining to them. Students might have an easier time accomplishing the areas of this objective using these interactive websites because of the fun, game aspect of them. When students enjoy the activity they are doing, they are more likely to learn. Learning about sorts strictly from textbooks and worksheets wouldn't be as exciting for the students, and they might stop paying attention.

2. Student Communication
          I decided to use a blog for the questions for this activity because it allows me to keep track of individual students' contribution. Students are able to go to the blog site and view the questions and post their answers. With a blog, the students are able to go back into the blog and edit their own posts if they choose to.

Questions for Shape Sorting Activities

Questions for Shape Sorting Activities

1. Compare and contrast the two sorting activities you just did. How were they the same? How were they different?

2. With the help of a parent, create your own sort that includes at least 2 different categories. Make sure to incorporate different colors and shapes. Draw pictures of the items you would include in your sort. Bring your list to class on Friday so we can discuss.

3. Explain the different categories in your sort. Why did you chose the categories that you did? Is there any other categories that you could make with the items that you have chosen?

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

3 Reasons I Use Facebook

1. I love being able to keep up on the lives of my friends whom I am not able to see often or live far away.
2. I like the convenience of having the Facebook app on my iPhone, so I can just pull it up periodically throughout the day, see what is going on, and go back to what I was doing before.
3. I love being able to post pictures of the events of my life so that friends and family that I don't see often can see what is going on in my life.